Sunday, December 5, 2010

love our children USA & childhelp

So I'm sure everyone on Facebook by now has heard about this campaign to change your profile photo to a childhood cartoon to fight against child abuse. Just about everyone did it and to that I say 'kudos.' Caring is good. But some very astute FB'ers, like my beautiful friend Kristin, took it a step further and asked "what now?" Changing your photo and showing your support is great, but it isn't going to stop a kid from getting abused or help a parent get educated on how to manage their anger.  She asked me what we CAN do to actually make a difference.

The official Facebook page for the cartoon campaign lists a bunch of websites for child abuse organizations (some of which are either in Europe or don't work). You can choose one the organizations to which you would like to make a donation.  Of the charities listed through this campaign, I would recommend Childhelp.

Childhelp is a national 501(c)(3) with good visibility right on their website. Over ninety cents out of every dollar contributed to Childhelp goes to provide direct services to Childhelp children and families. They operate the 24-hour National Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-4-A-CHILD) and several children's advocacy centers, foster care programs, prevention, education and training, and national programs raising awareness about child abuse.

I was inspired to find out what else was out there in the way of child abuse prevention or assistance organizations, and after my own deeper research I found Love Our Children USA.  I like this one.  They sponsored the STOMP Out Bullying campaign, a national anti-bullying and cyberbullying program for kids and teens, an issue that has come to all of our attention due to the spate of recent teen suicides.  Sad.

On a lighter note, you can support this organization with a donation or buy gifts.  The blue ribbon pins and blue rubber bracelets are another easy way to show your support of raising awareness of child abuse and bullying.  And check this out: you can buy tickets to a Broadway show from this website and givenik will donate 5% to Love Our Children USA.  Apparently you can also book travel using this link to Orbitz and a portion of the profits of each booking will go to support Love Our Children USA.  I love this stuff.

Perhaps most importantly, if you know or suspect that a child is being abused, you must say something.  Call the National Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-4-A-CHILD).  Whatever you choose to do to join in the fight against child abuse today and every day: do something.

1 comment:

  1. Still Protecting Children, Decades After A Chance Encounter via @huffingtonpost


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